Saturday, December 27, 2008

Select Media Festival

Cool festival features the yes men, tim and eric, eric fensler among others.

Friday, December 12, 2008

48 hour vidrace: evaluation

I liked the idea of the 48 hour video race. I thought that it was a great opportunity to do anything. The constraint being time didn't phaze me because I'm last minute anyway. In reality though, it was a horrible time for me. The end of the semester was a horrible gauntlet of deadlines, and I was down to the wire for about 2 1/2 weeks straight. My 48 hour vid race was a ruuushed sequel to Wayne's vid race. Wayne was supposed to be in this one, but I couldn't bet ahold of him. Buuummer. I knew I wouldn't have anytime to edit so I just did it in one take (actually 4 takes). I guess that's appropriate for a timed film race though. That adds to the fun. Also a lot of fun was dubbing it live, something I had joked about doing while making it. When Shannon suggested that I do that I didn't even think about the "psychedelic" scene. I did my best to keep my random noises the randomest.